Monday, 23 July 2012

A Really Sweet Digi Print

Digital Illustration using Brush and Bamboo
Drawing in sketchbook

My Cousin visited and I saw she was wearing the most beautifully cute top I ever did saw. The block pastel colours and shaped fruit design, and fabric used all were heaven to my eyes. When I asked her where she bought I top from, she told me the 'Strawberry' shop in America. One day I shall go to America!!

So instead I made a drawing of her top and used my Bamboo tablet (for the first time!) to create a digital pattern through Photoshop. I would have used the pen tool but sadly I only have Photoshop Elements, which I can't seem to locate it on. Thus, leading me to using the bamboo.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

'We're in the Garden'

It's a little something I did for my Nanny's 70th birthday! Well, I made the sign and bought the flowerpot. When I go round their house we often are in the garden doing odd jobs. I hope she likes it!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Work In Progress

A photo during the making of this fine beauty. I created this piece in sections; I myself was unsure of how it would finally look but filled it in from one magical bridge to farmland cottage.

'Idyllic View Over Farmland and Town of Beautswano'

'Idyllic View Over Farmland and Town of Beautswanoa'; Soft pastel; 28.1cm x 20.4cm; 2012

I finished this little lassie today; my first artwork of the summer!

I bought some soft pastles at the start of summer and decided I would give them a go and created another artwork bringing to life a part of my enchanting Travel Lands magical world!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Magical Bridge Over Stream

Watch this space!

I am working on a magical drawing as we read this. I intend to add my first-artwork-made-this-summer once it is completed.